- Celtic Tattoos
- Celtic Tattoos
- Celtic Tattoos
- Celtic Tattoos
- Celtic Tattoos
- Celtic Tattoos
- Celtic Tattoos
- Celtic Tattoos
- Celtic Tattoos
It has been notice that people love to add a tattoo to their body. On this behalf, if you are looking to express the power than nothing is better than having Celtic tattoos on your body. The tattoo design is very much popular and with different colors and size on the body it looks fabulous. You can have the tattoo on the body in any part of your body from arm to ankle. Historically the Celtic nations were in the era of Iron Age that are comprised of nation Ireland, Wales and Scotland. Now in current time period this kind of tattoo has become very popular and gives visual delight.
To be very honest, the Celtic tattoos are mostly inspired by the Irish Illuminated scripts. The Celts had spread the knowledge through the word of mouth, they had not noted anything down so the meaning may be varied and their hidden meanings as well. Celts cross is the symbol that expresses the love or you can say limit less love for lord. It shows the passage of life and the heaven. Celt knots are another symbol that expresses vague meaning. Mostly it is used to show the beginning or ending. It is hard to know that where these knots are starting and where to ending. It has represented the life cycle.
Wheel of balance is another Celtic tattoos design that is made up of five tangled circles, it shows to state Ireland to split in to the five states tangled over and under the round lines. It is also used to express four different elements of nature with like of water, earth, air and fire. All are touching each other. The Celtic Dragon is used to express the power and luck. Moreover you can have celtic horse and other designs as well.