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Samoan tattoo

The tattoos are used on the bodies from thousands of years. It is proved with the help of uncovered mummies as they also have tattoo on their bodies. The new tattoo designs are also very much popular as well as having great attraction but it is also very attractive to have a look at Samoan tattoo designs. These are ancient tattoo designs, but when you use the latest equipment with these old designs it becomes a master piece. You should know some of the history of these tattoo designs to know exactly why they are so fascinating.

Samoan tattoos are developed nearly around 2,000 years ago in Polynesia. In this country there are people who are known for their lust of having tattoos on their body. The amazing thing is that no one knows how but their body art still available as their heritage. According to their legend this art was introduced to them by Tilafaiga and Teama, two women. After that it becomes a part of their tradition as well as culture. In their tribe men and women both love to have tattoo on their body.

These Samoan tattoos in their tribe are also used as a status symbol. The larger and the brighter tattoo a person is having on his body mean that he is having a higher status in this society. In case of gender it is also very much decided that men is having larger tattoo as compare to women.

It is almost a compulsion for all men of the society to have a tattoo on their bodies. It is said that when the boy`s body is thought to be stop growing, a tattoo ceremony was held to have tattoo on their bodies. So there is rich variety of Samoan tattoos available that you can select from. You only have to make some good search. Good luck!

Men tattoos

If you accept this thing or not, but the truth is that most of the men are having tattoos on their body just to impress women. This way they wanted to make themselves look tougher in women eye. There are many excellent ideas for men tattoos that anyone can have on his body. The only thing is to select according to your liking and choice. There are three main groups from which most of the men prefer to choose a tattoo. First group is animal group, then tribal group and third one is old school tattoos.

If you are interested in choose a men tattoo from animal group then you must have to make sure that you know about the traits that specific animal is having. For example there are some animals that are known for their strength, bravery, speed and wisdom. There are some others who are known for fearlessness. There are also animals and birds that are known for peace loving nature. So it is really important to know about the trait of animal that you wanted to be inked on your body.

The second group is tribal group tattoos. They are very popular from the start and will also remain popular for many coming years and decades. These are tattoo designs which show someone’s religious thoughts as well as values that he holds. You can also have a new tattoo of your own instead of following the already used tattoos.

Now days you can see that old school of tattoo designs enters the limelight again. There are many people from around the world who are attracted toward these old school tattoos. So you can also search some of the classic tattoos and get one of these inked on your body. This will also make you look very sexy.

Lower back tattoos

In the current time period, the lower back tattoos are the designs that are very hardly unique design as there are a lot of women you may find in the daily life that is having the same tattoo you were having. The popularity of having tattoo on the lower back is increasing with the passage of time and you will find hardly few young women having no tattoo on the lower back. Certainly women show their tattoo with having low jeans with crop tops and shirts. It certainly makes them look trendy and sexy. The lower back of the body is considered as sensual part and you can easily hide the tattoo you were having on the back as most organization don’t allow to expose the tattoo on the body. Moreover the men are also getting attracted towards women having tattoo on the lower back.

There is wide range of variety available when it comes to lower back tattoos. We will discuss some popular design among the women for the lower back of their body. Flower design is the first and top choice for women to have on their lower back. Dolphin design tattoo is another great option to have on the lower back and it certainly looked cute and adorable on the women body. The tribal design tattoos that include Celtic style, star and sun are also getting popular among the women. If you want to have a tattoo on the lower back part on the body, you must wear the loose jeans because with jeans rubbing the tattoo area it can make the healing process slow. It is vital that you must think critically before selecting any design for the lower back of your body. You can take idea from internet as well. Good luck.

Amazing tattoos

If you want to give your body with some creative and nice design, you must have wide range of options. The amazing tattoos are available as you can find variety of options to have it on your body. The chest tattoos for men and women certainly make a positive impact. It has been noticed that people have tattoos on the body from the ancient time and this tradition is still in active process as people would love to have amazing tattoos on their body. The design may include tribal art, angels and cross, birds and animals, old school design, heart, skull, sun, star, moon or text. It may be anything you may like to have on your body.

It is obvious that cross tattoos are getting famous in men as they are simple tattoos yet it looks amazing. When you craft this tattoo on your body, it certainly looks appealing. These amazing tattoos are perfectly suiting your body if selected carefully. Before finalizing the tattoo you need to take care of few things. First of all you need to select the location where you want to have it on your body. Some people look for design first and then select the location whereas some people do vice versa. Whatever you plan, it is part of planning process. Keep in mind that these tattoo and design don’t come for free as it is considered as long term investment. Make sure that you go to different saloons and artist and see the design before finalizing a tattoo design for your body. It is better that you must also look upon internet as there are a lot of websites that offer different designs. You can make custom design with the help of old design with changing few things. It is best option as it will look classy.

Old school tattoos

If you are looking around the history of tattooing then you will get to know that at start these tattoos are very simple and with the passage of time, new designs and ideas have been incorporated by the new artists which makes this field more interesting as well as attracting. This also attracts millions of people from around the world to have their favorite tattoo inked on their body. If you are interested in getting another tattoo on your body, then do make some search about old school tattoos, they are now back in fashion. You can see that people are now looking to get these tattoos and there are many who had already done that.

There can be a lot of reasons for the popularity and rising back of these old school tattoo ideas but the most common is that they are very simple and now day’s people are in love with vintage where we love old as new. This is what we have seen lot in fashion. It is also a human nature that when we saw something after some long time we show our love to that. These tattoos of old school are very bright in color, kitschy and quirky designs. From the old school tattoo, you can have a good advice to follow as well.
Lyle Tuttle is of the view that you must not have to put the name of anyone on your body, because it is not possible that he or she will remain with you forever, so it’s better to have sweetheart inked on your body and call everyone sweetheart. This way you don`t have to get rid of your tattoo, when that person is not there. So you can also search some other ideas and thoughts from old school tattoos and you will never regret that.

Cover up tattoos

In the old time in Japan, the criminal minded people were tattooed with the rings on the arms of each individual. This was done for the purpose of making people identify people that these people are the law breaker and people should deal with them with great care. The result was miserable for the criminals as they were considered as outcaste from the society. Here is the role of cover up tattoos, for many decades the tattoos were used to recognize the nasty characters.

This mindset has not been changed as most of the people who have tattoos on their body are not encourage to get promotions in the work place even organization are reluctant to hire them. Keeping in mind the fact that these tattoos can be covered up and it is the best way to remove the tattoo. There are a lot of methods to do it so, some are really painful and some are really expensive. Hiding the tattoo under the naturally look cover up tattoos like tattoo camo. These are water proof and easy to match with the color and tone of your skin.
It is important to understand that sometime the size and location of tattoo may be hindered to cover up properly. You can get away with the Band-Aid but due to the bigger size and location it may become irritating to skin. You can use a sock to cover the arm that have tattoo. This is another creative way to hide the tattoo. You can also use bandage but it will look like that you are caring some injury and you will get the unwanted attention from the people. People may ask you what had happened to you so to avoid such things you need to look upon the creative ideas to cover up your tattoos.